Join Our Community

It All Begins with Our Community.

At the heart of everything we do is a dedicated network of individuals who share a vision for a more sustainable and equitable textile economy. From farmers to designers, educators to innovators, our community is united by a common purpose: to create a resilient future that prioritizes people and the planet. Together, we’re building something that matters, and it all starts with you.

Become a member and help us to weave the fabric of positive change.

As a PA Fibershed member, you’ll receive:

  • Discounts on PA Fibershed events.

  • Grant and funding opportunities to support your projects.

  • Policy updates to stay informed about industry changes.

  • Access to past event recordings for insights and inspiration.

  • Member Directory to connect with like-minded individuals.

  • Sourcing info to strengthen your sustainable operations and network.

  • Industry news, media, and resources to keep you ahead of the curve.

...and so much more!

Student Membership
Every year

Open to students with a valid student email address

✓ Quarterly meetings with PA Fibershed Community
✓ Discounts and free admission to select events
✓ Access to members only content and resources hub
Individual Membership
Every year

Open to: Educators, Advocates, Community Supporters

✓ Quarterly Meetings with PA Fibershed community
✓ Discounts and free admission to select events
✓ Access to members only content and resources hub
Business/Nonprofit Membership
Every year

Open to businesses and organizations promoting the use of local fibers within the state of Pennsylvania including: Farmers/Producers, Spinners, Weavers, Dyers, Designers/Brands, Cut & Sew Facilities, Fabric Mills, Fiber Processors

✓ Quarterly meetings with PA Fibershed community
✓ The PA Fibershed Logo to include on your website
✓ Discounts and free admission to select events
✓ Welcome to PA Fibershed blog post
✓ Access to members only content and resources hub

Our Members

Holly Adair

Matthew Addonzio, Approved Textiles

Heidi Barr, PA Flax Project

Justin Beitzel, Common Object Studio

Michelle Brooks

Maricruz Cabrera

Sally Congdon-Martin, Buck Mason

Cathy Coho

Dave Cook, Tuscarora Mills

Jane Cooper, CooperZ

Heidi Custer, Tuscarora Mills

Leah D'Ambrosio, WolHide

Christina Day

Laura Fitzmorris, One Another Fiber Mill

Stephanie Gleit

Elise Johnston

Jordan Haddad, Lobo Mau

Nicole Haddad, Lobo Mau

Jane Hargrave

Laurel Hoffman

Andrea Holladay, Mostly Mohair

Jodi Horgan, Flower Hill Fleeces

Laura Hricko

Liberty Imhoff, Manic Metallic

Elise Johnston

Meghan Kelly, Jefferson

Amy Kostelansky

Tom Kreider

Carly Kusy, Jefferson

Jeanne Lurvey

Abby Lutz, Of Dress

Jason Lye, Lyco Works

Leo Margolis

Catherine McLeod

Sandra Miller, Painted Hand Farm

Cynthia Petrone-Hudock, Hemp-Alternative

Wandy Principe-Bush, Dragon Hill Farm and Kitchen

Carey Pumo

Winona Quigly, Green Matters Dye Company

Jennifer Rhodes, Twin Gingers

Sarah Rodowicz

Mariah Sanchez, Buck Mason

Samantha Salomon

Brandy Sanders

Liz Savage

Isabella Silva, Qurate Retail Group

Kelli Silva, Philly Dye Coop

Vinti Singh

Marisa Smith, Sheepsmith

Melissa Smith, Willow Creek Farm Preserve

Mark Sunderland, Hemp Black

Ash Tryba, Circular Philadelphia

Barabara Vance

Lauren Westenhiser

Anna Whitaker

Judy Wicks

Samantha Wittchen, Circular Philadelphia

Janell Wysock

Kristin Zeigler, Spacepastepress

PA Fibershed is committed to making our community accessible to everyone. While we need to cover our costs, we want to ensure that membership remains open to all. If the cost is a barrier for you, please email—we may be able to offer a scholarship.